Based on the current pandemic, COVID-19, Venn Kempo Jujitsu is currently offering Virtual Training. Group Kenpo Karate Lessons is available, as well as, private lessons in Krav Maga and Venn Kempo Jujitsu, via Webinar format. For more information contact Prof. Bennett.
self-restraint, focus, diligence, citizenship and education are driven by the training and conditioning of the mind and body - which generates a peaceful spirit: Self-Study and Awareness.
Please be advised, we teach self-defense. We do not seek social ranking. We do not focus on ratings; likes and dislikes. We do not encourage Facebook or Twitter, etc. as primary means of staying informed. We do not teach self-defense for competition purposes. We teach self-defense and awareness. We teach Venn Kempo Jujitsu, “the art of choice,” the art of displacement and the art of unity, as balance is sought as a mean of self-awareness.
We provide practical training. We are a 21st Century System/Method of training.
sunday classes
2 PM - 5 pm, EST
class schedule
Training focuses on fitness and conditioning. Students are taught practical self-defense relating to guns, knives, stand-up and groundwork defenses. De-escalation and verbal commands are incorporated in the training. Training occurs in a friendly environment and classes are engaging as questions are welcome.
We do not participate in tournaments, nor do we wear traditional uniforms; we are teach self-defense.
hybrid Classes
thursday 7 pm - 8 pm, Est
online self-defense lessons
Learn self-defense in a safe environment; your home. Our Hybrid Program offers convenience and convenience promotes comfort and comfort promotes an increase in cognitive learning. Approximately 85% of training occurs online as Student train with others online at the same time. The unique feature; real-time video training, Students train in a group environment while training privately at the same time. Book work is involved in the comprehensive training. Training is provided by a previously certified High School Science Teacher/ University Critical Thinking Adjunct Professor, Prof. Pedro Bennett.
Contact Prof. Bennett for additional information.
september 2019 - introducing hybrid training
online/in person
Learning is only part of the part of the Battle, understanding is the median in which the Battle is Fought and Wisdom is the Outcome Sought. ~ Pedro Bennett.
For additional information concerning Hybrid Training, Contact Prof. Bennett.
Starting 05/20/2020, 6 PM, EST, Prof. Bennett, will offer live video basic Kenpo Karate Concepts. To learn more, contact Prof. Bennett.
our expertise: SELF-DEFENSE
Professional Excellence
in self-defense, recognizing students physical and mental strengths and weaknesses
Pedro has trained in the martial arts over three decades. He has trained in several martial arts disciplines. He is an ex-police officer. He was an educator for two decades, teaching middle and high school science, as will a teaching critical thinking at the university level. Pedro is the founder of